Amazon EC2 DL1
Training Instances
Habana Gaudi Accelerator technology powers Amazon EC2 DL1 Instances for training and inference of deep learning models.
Delivering up to 40% better price performance than comparable GPU-based training instances, Amazon EC2 DL1 instances make training and deploying models in the cloud more accessible to customers— enabling them to leverage the insights, efficiencies and enhanced end-user experiences that AI computer vision and natural language applications can provide.
To learn to how set up and run Habana-based Amazon EC2 DL1 Training Instances visit the developer site.
To enable customers to easily build new or migrate existing GPU-based models to Gaudi, we provide developers with the Gaudi-optimized software platform, SynapseAI® with integrated PyTorch and TensorFlow frameworks. There are also all the necessary documentation, how to videos, tools and resources which are on Habana’s Developer Site, and models, scripts and source code on Habana GitHub.
The DL1 EC2 instance, which is powered by eight Gaudi accelerators, can be launched using the AWS Deep Learning AMIs, Amazon EKS and Amazon ECS for containerized applications.
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EC2 DL1 Instances
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Price / performance by the numbers
Here, using publicly published performance metrics and pricing, are the details behind the up to 40% better price performance of the Amazon EC2 DL1 instances based on Gaudi accelerators.
(*) Measured by Habana on AWS EC2 GPU-based instances, on June 28th, using Nvidia Deep Learning AMI (Ubuntu 18.04) + Docker 21.06-tf1-py3 available at:
Your measured performance results may vary.
(**) Measured by Habana on AWS EC2 DL1.24xlarge instance, using DLAMI integrating SynapseAI 1.0.1-81 Tensorflow 2.5.1 Container at Habana’s Vault, model: Based on pricing published at:
Your measured performance results may vary.
(*) Measured by Habana on AWS EC2 GPU-based instances, on June 28th, using Nvidia Deep Learning AMI (Ubuntu 18.04) + Docker 21.06-tf1-py3 available at:
Your measured performance results may vary.
(**) Measured by Habana on AWS EC2 DL1.24xlarge instance, using DLAMI integrating SynapseAI 1.0.1-81 Tensorflow 2.5.1 Container at Habana’s Vault, model:
Pricing published at
Your measured performance results may vary.
Amazon EC2 DL1 instances
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in the datacenter.
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The price performance claim is made by AWS and based on AWS internal testing. Habana Labs does not control or audit third-party data; your price performance may vary.