Efficient scale-out for the large-scale generative AI era

Scale deep learning with native integration
of 24 100 Gigabit Ethernet on every Gaudi 2 accelerator

Architected to scale deep learning acceleration from one to thousands of processors, Gaudi 2 offers unique advantages of substantial scaling capacity with 24 100 Gigabit Ethernet ports on every Gaudi 2. Integration of Ethernet connectivity provides tangible advantages of flexibility, efficiency and cost-efficiency.

Gaudi 2
Accelerator Architecture

Gaudi2 board

Gaudi 2
Server Architecture

Gaudi 2 Server architecture

Advantages of Gaudi 2
Integrated Connectivity

Gaudi 2’s integrated networking gives the customer greater versatility and freedom to build the system that fits their needs


large scale
  • All-to-all scale-up
  • 2.4TB scale-out
  • Reduces network bottlenecks


Flexible icon
  • Non-proprietary,
    industry standard
  • Scale from one to thousands of Gaudi 2s
  • Wide variety of
    Ethernet switches for build out


  • Most data centers already utilize Ethernet
  • Ease of build with industry standard
  • Cost-efficient with breadth of Ethernet choices


Control bars
  • Industry standard
  • No vendor lock in with proprietary solutions
  • Cost control through choice of system equipment

Scale-out scenarios

Required Components

Optional Components / Examples

small pod

Small Pod Architecture

16-40 Gaudi 2s (2-5 servers, with 8x Gaudi 2 each)

Large pod icon

Large Pod Architecture

  • Supports variable ratio of nodes-to-switches
  • 3x 400G switches + up to 128 Gaudi 2s (16 servers with 8x Gaudi 2 each)
Mega pod architecure

Gaudi 2 MegaPod Architecture

Large clusters can be easily built using multiple MegaPods

  • 8 Gaudi 2 servers & 3 switches
  • 8x Gaudi 2 per node (server)
  • Leaf switches are placed close to Gaudi 2 nodes to minimize communication latency
  • Copper cables can be used within pod

For access to Gaudi 2 servers, see Supermicro.

For access to Gaudi 2 servers in China, Contact us.

Learn more about
Networking with Gaudi

Contact us