The Habana(R) Labs team is pleased to augment software support for the Gaudi platform with the release of SynapseAI® version 1.4.0.
In this release, we have made several version updates. We now support PyTorch 1.10.2 (previously 1.10.1), PyTorch Lightning 1.5.10 (previously 1.5.8). We continue to support TensorFlow 2.8.0 and 2.7.1, as previously. OpenMPI version was upgraded to 4.1.2.
We have made some major improvements to our documentation, mainly the TensorFlow, PyTorch and Installation guides.
We added support for PyTorch TensorBoard. You can find more details here.
We have enabled GPT-2 Small on 8x Gaudi processors and it is available in our reference models on GitHub. In addition, we have enabled PyTorch Vision Transformer with 8x Gaudis, and increased the performance of PyTorch SSD by enabling Habana Data Loader.
Additionally, we have enabled deploying VMware Tanzu based cluster using Docker.
You can find more information on Habana’s release notes page, see the full list of Gaudi optimized refence models and model performance.